Bose Profesional y su distribuidor mayorista MMT presentarán el nuevo dispositivo USB de videoconferencias Videobar VB-S en América Digital 2022  En el mundo de las organizaciones es muy común acuñar nuevos términos de acuerdo a las tendencias en boga.  Por ejemplo, se ha comenzado a dejar atrás el concepto de sala de reunión para sustituirlo
At its stand you will be able to learn about its proposal so that companies’ financial decisions are not held back by a lack of information. In a world of constant evolution, facilitating information flows within the cash ecosystem makes the difference for the decision making of companies and the services provided by financial institutions.  
  • cadena de suministros
At the booth and its conference you can learn about the solutions the company has created to achieve proper implementation. The Pandemic has had a significant impact on the retail industry. On the supplier side, recent supply chain challenges have forced companies to confront issues such as logistics disruptions, production delays, and inventory fulfilment issues. 
  • Aware
Biometrics is a solution that can satisfy the demands of companies for new onboarding and authentication of their customers. An estimated 3.8 billion people currently own a smartphone. With so many mobile devices in use, the way we live our lives has changed dramatically – from connecting with each other on social networks to shopping
  • digitalización documentos
The company is undergoing a technological revolution and is developing several innovative solutions that will be presented during its participation in the Congress. In recent years, digitization has come to play a central role in different areas such as work, education, leisure and services.  This topic will be discussed by Diamcofi executives at its stand
  • omnicanalidad
Companies using this strategy are more likely to retain their customers, according to different studies conducted in Latin America.  According to Aberdeen Group, companies with omnichannel strategies retain 89% of their customers, on average. In recent years, technological advances have had a profound impact on the financial and insurance sector.  And providing an effective omnichannel
  • ciberseguridad tautenet
A good deal of recent content from analysts, vendors, and IT industry experts makes a strong case that most users and digital assets lie outside the physical and logical boundaries of the organization. Although the validity of this assertion cannot be confirmed in absolute terms, it is fair to recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has
  • plataforma información
BPAM, the software that allows real-time monitoring of each of the equipment connected to your network. Increasingly, information is shown as a critical and strategic element for the development and growth of the lines of business and operation of companies. In a world where having the information, the right data, at the right time and
  • datos públicos
Learn how businesses – big and small – are collecting mission-critical data to gain a competitive advantage and become market leader It’s no secret that today, to remain competitive, businesses of all sizes and industries need massive amounts of real-time public data to remain competitive.  Matias Chmiel, Sales Director of LATAM at Bright Data, the
IT areas are responsible for managing the cloud, but the task can be so big that they need the right partner to take advantage of these technologies.  More and more organizations have started it´s trail to Digital transformation.  Nowadays, especially after the pandemic, CloudHesive knows that companies can no longer ask if they need to